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Sunday, December 5, 2010

NYPD Internal Affairs

The Village Voice cover story about corruption and incompetence within the NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau ("Dirty Little Secrets in NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau," December 1 - December 7, 2010) is outrageous on its face. The Voice story details a pattern in which Internal Affairs breaches confidentiality rules, drags out and buries investigations, provides little transparency and is arbitrary and capricious in its decisions.

Here is the link to the Voice story:

As shocking as this story is, I'm equally disturbed by the silence of most elected officials in NYC to say anything publicly about this issue, or about the five cover stories in The Voice which exposed systemic abuse and civil liberties violations by the NYPD. In response to my questions, many elected officials tell me that they don't read The Voice and don't follow this issue closely.

Public officials have a civic responsibility to educate themselves about police misconduct - and to hold Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly accountable for civil liberties violations by his department.
