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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jon Stewart's "Million Moderate March"

Jon Stewart has announced plans to organize a "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington, DC on October 30 - a rally which he also has called a "Million Moderate March."

Here is my response to the Daily Show's Facebook's posting:
- Scott

I like the Daily Show, but I must take issue with the whole idea of a Million Moderate March.

President Obama's problems stem from his efforts to be everything to everyone - instead of appealing to the progressives who once were his base.

Jon Stewart is fundamentally wrong when he compares, and equates, attacks from the right with those from the left - and cites as an example of unjustified attacks from the left those who accused President Bush of being a war criminal.

The Center for Constitutional Rights outlined a strong legal case for impeachment:

The Bush administration was not held accountable for its assault on civil liberties through its use of extraordinary rendition, torture and the establishment of secret prisons beyond the reach of American law or international treaties.

Congress and the Obama administration made calculated political decisions not to investigate transgressions by President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

Conservative Republicans do not have a monopoly on anger.

Progressives have a legitimate right to be angry with Presidents Bush and Obama - and with Democrats who refuse to pursue a real progressive agenda in the interest of achieving a futile bipartisan coalition.

A "moderate" vision is not the answer to our nation's ills. Progressives should not concede the fight to change this country - even if too many Democrats join Republicans in deciding that a progressive agenda is off the table.